Research Translation & Guidelines

Leading the research and clinical communities in developing high quality international, clinical guidelines, that bridge the evidence–practice gap in a timely manner.

MCHRI is a leader in the development of clinical guidelines, and in effective and timely research translation.

MCHRI’s approach seeks to address systemic research-to-practice barriers, such as lack of integration between health and research, organisational and professional silos, pervasive competition, lack of collaboration, and a failure to engage relevant stakeholders.

MCHRI accelerates evidence synthesis, translation, and mobilisation of new knowledge through large-scale, extensive stakeholder engagement, and international partnerships between universities, research institutes and health services.  We integrate healthcare, research, and education, with a strong focus on evidence translation and health impact.

Research Streams

MCHRI is currently working collaboratively to as part of the Centre for Research Excellence in Women’s Health in Reproductive Life (CRE WHiRL). 

This research will address neglected women’s reproductive health gaps in Polycystic Ovary Syndrome, infertility and early menopause. Our work currently focusses on the:

Update the International Guideline on the assessment and management of Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (Completion 2023) – Go to Guideline

Leading the Australian adaptation of the International Guideline on unexplained infertility (Completion 2024) – Go to Guideline

Co-leading the Australian adaptation of the International Guideline on Early Menopause (Completion 2024) – Go to Guideline

More information at CRE WHiRL

To deliver health impact, we use the following MCHRI platforms