Vision, Values & Overview


Better Care, Better Equity, Better Health

MCHRI is a collaborative partnership between Monash University and Monash Health

Learn about our evidence and impact on our end user web portal.
Read about our research and education on the Monash University website 


To deliver health impact by partnering with community, clinicians and researchers to co-create knowledge, and use implementation to drive equitable, quality healthcare and public health.

Who are we?

Established in 2006, MCHRI builds on a highly successful partnership between Australia’s largest health service, Monash Health and one of our largest Universities, Monash University and brings national and international leadership and reach in women’s health, public health and wellbeing.

This collaborative implementation centre is unique – it enables clinicians, researchers and the community to work together, to improve public health, and provide better health and wellbeing outcomes for the community.

Working with consumers and the community our researchers find and solve, clinical, health service and public health problems. They are research translators – they create evidence to implement change in clinical practice and public health systems for better outcomes. 

Our research drives systems change for impact.  It improves outcomes for patients, and delivers health impact both nationally and internationally. Here is the framework we use to drive change.

Our core themes of research include:

  • Women’s financial wellbeing
  • Public health in preconception, pregnancy & postpartum
  • Reproductive women’s health (incl PCOS)
  • Healthy lifestyle
  • Cardiovascular health & diabetes
  • Public health across mental health, climate & COVID-!9.
  • Advancing women’s leadership & careers

We are leaders in PCOS and early menopause research.   Our researchers have updated PCOS guidelines and created resources in that are being used in 171 countries, and also developed the Ask PCOS App .  The Ask Early Menopause App was launched in 2022 year to help women and health professionals managed early menopause. 

Our Impact

Our researchers and clinicians publish widely in high impact journals. Annually, we publish 150+ research publications. See the 2023 MCHRI Publication List

Our values
  • Supporting evidence-based, high quality, equitable care that is accessible to everyone
  • Empowering women’s leadership/ workforce and capacity building
  • Integrating stakeholder engagement, community and consumer involvement (CCI) and co-design all research
  • Supporting CALD/ Indigenous/ intersectionality communities
  • A life course approach
  • Encompassing change management systems, organismal and continuum of care from public health to primary care to acute care
Living Lab

MCHRI’s digital health projects focus on stakeholder involvement and participatory approaches to health research, implementation, education and innovation, and align with the values of a Living Lab. Our projects emphasise community engagement and co-design. Consumers, researchers, and health professionals co-create innovative solutions in real-life settings to deliver health impact for women and their families.

Our implementation projects bring together community organisations, peak bodies and industry partners for implementation in healthcare. By adopting the living lab approach we ensure that the solutions developed are grounded in the needs and values of the community.

National and International Networks

Our collaborations and partnerships extend across Australia and worldwide with 170+ countries.